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Frequently asked questions

Do I have to create an account to participate on iTCH! ?

iTCH! is an open platform so it is possible to look at everyone’s ideas or needs. As soon as you want to participate in a project, you have to sign up.

Is iTCH! a free platform?

Yes! We want to co-create things and thoughts are free.

Can I add my ideas on iTCH! ?

Be our guest! This is a platform where ideas or needs are welcome. You can describe your idea and people can participate in your project.

How do I have to add my ideas on iTCH! ?

Simply click on the button ‘Share your idea or need’ on the homepage and tell us all about your idea or need.

Is this a nonprofit platform?

iTCH! is a platform created in the framework of the EDUCAT project, subsidized by the Interreg 2 seas- Program 2014-2020, cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund and the Province East-Flanders. This is a non-commercial platform to improve the quality of life of people depending on health care in all kinds of ways.

Can you earn something when you participate as a tester of a project?

Participating in a project and testing technology is all on a voluntary basis.

Do we keep the ownership of our ideas?

Yes. If you have an idea, it’s completely yours to use.

Are there opportunities to meet each other?

Yes. As soon as your project has enough participants and you want to meet with eachother, someone can decide to create a physical meeting. Your project will then proceed to the ‘Test-phase’.

Still a question?

We collected the most frequently asked questions and answers for you. But don’t hestitate to contact us if you still have questions.

Fill in the contactform below to contact us.

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